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  • Avery Wu

Controversy Behind Transgender Athletes in Sports

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

By: Avery Wu

Post #9

June 11th, 2023


With the number of transgender athletes becoming more and more common, there has been major controversy in the sports world. I first became aware of this topic when there was backlash in my own community of a transgender track and field athlete. Many parents were angered because they believed that the transgender athlete unfairly took the section spots of their own kids. This led to multiple local transgender runners withdraw from track finals because of so much backlash.

Everybody knows that a woman's complex and body type are much different than a man's complex and body type. Men are naturally stronger, bigger, higher oxygen carrying capacity, larger bones, and larger muscle mass. The list goes on and on when comparing males to females. When the first transgender athletes started to compete in their new female sport categories, they naturally dominated other competitors. They started to smash previous held women records mainly in track and field and swim. Many believed this to be unfair for women competing against them because although they identify as female, they still have the same body structure as a male. These athletes not only brought the attention of different news stations, but this discussion made it to both local and federal government as well as certain sport federations and organizations such as the Olympics. Some famous transgender athletes include Laurel Hubbard, a weightlifter, Lia Thomas, a swimmer, and Renee Richards.

Government policies and other organization action

Along with the government, many sport federations and organizations have been quick to crack down on any unfairness towards women's sports. The Republican controlled House recently passed a bill in April to bar transgender athletes From female sports teams. Although President Biden has made it clear that this bill will never be passed, this is a huge effort on the Republican side to address this issue. Twenty-one states have enacted laws to bar transgender athletes from participating in sports aligned with their gender identity. Although Democrats are heavily against this bill, President Biden has proposed a Title IX change that would forbid blanket bans on transgender athletes in school sports, but would allow certain bans for other reasons such as unfairness. I believe that both sides should work together to reach a compromise to this issue as quickly as possible.

World Athletics, the global governing body for track and field, announced on March 31st, that they will be banning transgender athletes who have gone through "male puberty" to compete in any female world ranking competitions. This was a big step in order to maintain fairness throughout these competitions. As of right now, the Olympics are allowing transgender athletes to compete as long as they have had gender reassignment surgery and have a certain level of testosterone. Multiple athletes have been deemed ineligible due to their high testosterone levels.

As more and more transgender athletes come out, I am sure there will continue to be more policies and readjustments made in the sports world.

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