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  • Avery Wu

Gun Policy in America

By: Avery Wu

Post #5

Septemer 19th, 2022

Podcast: Addressing Gun Violence: The Debate on Gun Policy - Policy Chats

Right to Bear Arms

Gun policies have always been an issue in the American legal system. The Right to Bear Arms Amendment which was established in 1791 is one of the main topics of discussion for the American public. It states that "a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment's intentions. Many Americans would like to regulate or even prohibit firearm possession for most of the public. On the other hand, many believe that the Second Amendment is a Constitutional right that should not be taken away regardless of the irrelevancy in today's society.

Recent Events

Because the Second Amendment is still in effect to this day, there have been numerous consequences throughout history. The most recent occurrences relating to gun violence are school shootings. Every year, American kids are exposed to more and more school shootings. In 2022 alone, 30 school shootings have occurred across the country. Many Americans blame the government for being too tolerant of gun control and licensing.

With an increase in firearms purchases in 2020, suicide rates have also increased dramatically. Researchers speculate that there might be a correlation between the number of firearms purchased and the number of suicides. In a recent study by Heather Saunders, they found that "people who purchased handguns were more likely to die from suicide by firearm than those who did not–with men 8 times more likely and women 35 times more likely compared to non-owners."

America's Gun Policies

So what is the government actually doing to control gun-related violence today? President Biden has claimed to single-handedly reduce gun violence than any other president has ever by issuing several executive actions and proposed bills. President Biden has proposed an additional $32 billion of funding to fight crime in 2023's yearly budget. This money will be allocated towards crime prevention programs and local and state law enforcement programs. One Act passed by President Biden in particular that caught my eye was H.R. 2377. Act H.R. 2377, also known as the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2022, has authorized courts to issue extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs) that temporarily prevent a person in crisis from accessing firearms. This could potentially and hopefully reduce the risk of suicide among people who own or are looking to buy a firearm.


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