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  • Avery Wu

Volunteering at a Local Food Closet

By: Avery Wu

Post #3

June 28th, 2022


Harvest Community Church is located in Roseville, California and operates a food closet for the local community. Once a month, they provide bags of food for nearly 100 families in Placer County. To make it convenient, Harvest Church sets up a drive-through for families pick up food. Drive-throughs have become very popular due to COVID-19 and is one of the fastest ways food pantries can hand out food. To run this program, they need volunteers every month to organize, bag, and distribute the food.

My Experience

These monthly volunteering spots are popular and fill up quickly. This month though, I was able to help with set-up and preparation. Once I arrived at the church, we started unloading boxes of food from the truck. The Harvest Church orders and buys their food from the Placer County Food Bank.

After unloading, we placed all of the food neatly on tables to start assembling bags of food. Once we started putting together each bag, the process went quickly. Each bag contained nonperishable items including, pasta, spaghetti sauce, beans, tuna, peanut butter, jam, and oatmeal, along with a loaf of bread and a cake. An hour later, approximately 125 bags were packaged and ready to be distributed to families in a couple of hours. The manager mentioned that this was probably the fastest they have ever been able to assemble bags of food. Mixed with a combination of teamwork and organization, the job was done!

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